Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A better day....

Well John is feeling MUCH better today. He is acting somewhat more human as well. When we were in the hospital, the nurse told us the healing process would be up and down with a general progression forward. That is what we seem to be experiencing. While the healing is all moving in a generally forward direction, John seems to take about 3 steps forward and then 1 back. We called the doctor yesterday about how poorly he was feeling, and we were told that the doctor believed John's brain was equilibrializing which was why he was suffering pain yesterday. Today he has again been awake much more often and even took a walk.

It is funny... as I typed this update, it struck me how like our Christian walk this whole healing from brain surgery thing is. We are moving forward; however, this life is not without ups and downs. We are progressing, but we still have "bad days." So we trudge along. Some days we just maintain ground, trying hard not to slide backwards... Some days we forge forward strong and steady.... Unfortunately, some days we slip a bit, falling back and losing a little ground.

Yesterday when John was feeling so poorly, I tried hard to keep reminding myself of the ground he had already conquered: he had no tubes protruding from his veins, he was not on IV meds, there was no vomiting, he was OUT OF THE HOSPITAL! That is what we have to do with our walk with Christ too! Remind ourselves of how far we have already come... Remind ourselves of the sins we've already put behind us... Remind ourselves of the successes we've already had...

Last application, then I promise to be done for today: I think it is important after brain surgery (and in life) to realize that the journey to healing (and to Heaven) is not a walk down a rose-lined path. Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow me." He didn't say pick up your basket of rose petals and skip after me. Having a piece cut out of your skull is not "natural".... it is not what your body likes to feel. Living on this earth is not "comfortable".... it is not what your spirit likes to do. Realize that this pain, this agony, these struggles are for a greater good. In John's case, this brain surgery and the recovery from it are for the purpose of fewer headaches, greater strength on his right side, less dizziness and numbness. In our case, this time on earth is a journey towards our true home..... Towards Heaven.... Towards no more pain, no more tears.... Towards an eternity of worshipping our Savior.

I am sorry if my blogs are random and disorganized right now. I am so thoroughly exhausted from continual waking during the night to medicate John. I am stretched FAR beyond what I thought I was capable of. We did our first day of school today, and I am VERY surprised at how well it went.

Thank you so much to those who are bringing us meals. I really, truly can hardly express what a blessing this has been. The mom in this house is SO overwhelmed with work, schooling, nursing, cleaning.... not having to cook REALLY helps!

Thank you also to those who are blessing us financially. Quite frequently we are finding gifts from God in our mailbox.... He is taking care of our needs and right at this moment, we have food overflowing from our pantry and our bills are pretty much current.

Thank you most of all for your prayers.... I cannot say often enough how much comfort we get from knowing how many are lifting us up and taking our needs to the Father.

Forever indebted to Him and all of you,
John & Jami

1 comment:

  1. God is so good! We had a similar experience with meals, random money, etc., when we were going through this. We look back on that time and are so grateful for His grace and mercy. I am so glad to hear of how He is taking care of you!

    Ryan also had bad days and good days during his recovery, then gradually, there were more and more good days. The clincher was his two-month follow-up appointment when they read back to him what he had written about his symptoms at his initial appointment. The improvement is so gradual that he had not realized how much better he felt than in the weeks before the surgery. He gradually was gaining his life back.

    Anyhow, hang in there!! We're praying for you!


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