Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Florida Trip Installment 3 -- Disney World!

So we hightailed it out of my Aunt's scary residence in the armpit of Satan very quickly Monday night. We arrived in Orlando at about 8 o' clock and preceded to immediately shower and bathe off the filth of our trip and last night's sleeping quarters. Now I'd like to take a quick rabbit trail here to explain how much this trip was blessed by God... first of all for the Kastners it was completely funded by Oma so that was great, but then after Oma decided to fund this amazing trip God just kept blessing and blessing her by lowering the price more and more. First of all, when we started planning this trip, gas prices were around $4.00 per gallon. We did not pay more than $1.89 per gallon once on the trip. I think our lowest price found was about $1.59! Next, we were able to get 3 of the 5 of our paid admissions into Disney World free because of our amazing friend Jeff, and mom had a gift card from her anniversary party...the entire cost of getting us into Disney $54! My mom used free hotel certificates, and we stayed in the Hyatt in Orlando for two nights... her entire bill $12.00 for the movie we rented. It was really truly amazing.... so Monday night we arrived back in the lap of luxury....staying at the Hyatt which is located directly across the street from Universal Studios. Tuesday we arose early and left for the Magic Kingdom. We seriously almost closed the place out....me, my mother, and four children at Disney from 9 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. EXHAUSTING, exhilarating, memorable, amazing!

We hit tons of rides....(a few notables)

1. very first ride was Lilo and Stitch's something or other.... my mom took Elijah, Jeremiah, and Noah.... I stayed off with Hannah because she was too short. Well it seemed to take FOREVER before they were done, and when they finally came off, Elijah was HYSTERICAL and almost inconsolable.... apparently that ride is a little scary

2. teacups....they just aren't what they were when you were little.... I really and truly thought I would vomit on that ride

3. someone and someone's race car ride.... Noah and Jeremiah ADORED the chance to drive on this ride....

4. Space Mountain.... OHMIGOSH! why didn't someone warn me???? I HATED this ride. Thought I would but was busy showing my support and love for my 9 year old. I had this pained terrified look on my face most of the time, but then I kept thinking, "Crap what if this is one of those rides where they snap your picture during it?" So I kept trying to make my face look normal... wasn't working. At some point I thought, "Wow! I'm going to be that person who pukes and spews their vomit all over everyone behind her!" But thankfully I didn't. Noah did not really enjoy it either. He was pretty proud that he made it through but NOT at all interested in going again. Throughout the whole ride I could hear him saying, "I'm scared. I'm scared." After the ride he said, "Mom, you know what I did on that ride?" I said, "What?" He said, "When I was scared, I just prayed and told Jesus, 'I'm scared. I'm scared'." Very precious.

5. It's a Small World was as amazing as I always remembered.

6. Buzz Lightyear's ride was actually my favorite. Noah wanted to ride it again, but Jeremiah and Elijah did not. So Oma took Noah and Hannah for a second turn. When they came off the ride, my mom called to tell me Hannah had lost her shoe on the ride. She said I should come meet them at the front. As I walked up, I could see my mom talking to a security guard or something. I thought the security guard was giving instructions as to when we could come back and see if the shoe had been found. I was thinking, "Please, it is a little $9 Walmart tennis shoe. We will live without it." You know what that security guard was doing??? She was writing Hannah a coupon for a free pair of shoes in the gift store. We walked over there and picked out a pink and purple pair of Crocs (real, live, name-brand Crocs) with Mickey Mouse shaped holes....the price tag was $39 or something.... Hannah got them for FREE because, as she kept telling the gift shop employee, "Buzz Lightyear stole my shoe." It was then that I realized I have been missing out on a HUGE source of revenue....I could be using this blond haired adorable little money maker to hustle thousands out of people.... (I didn't say it would be a legal or moral money maker).... people were running around saying, "Don't worry Princess. We'll get you new shoes." And she just played them like a fiddle, "Buzz Lightyear stole my shoe!" (said with beautiful ruby lips appropriately pouted). She was unbelievable.

We also caught 2 parades and the fireworks over Cinderella's Castle (that was what Momma came for!). The looks on the faces of my children as those glorious fireworks exploded of Cinderella's royal abode was the most amazing part.

We returned to the Hyatt with our feet sore, completely depleted, exhausted, and completely and thoroughly agreeing that Disney World is Where Dreams Come True.

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