Monday, December 13, 2010


Well I'm not sure what to even say.  The pessimist and optimist are warring inside me.  Maybe I will try channeling the realist in me and just lay it all out there exactly as it went down... 

John went to the doctor appointment alone today.  I wanted to go with, but it is so cold, and I didn't want to drag 4 kids and an old lady out into the frigid temps.  (I made the WRONG choice.)

I sent John with SPECIFIC instructions.  Lists of questions.  Medications to refill.  And a CLEAR directive to CALL ME so I could listen in on the appointment.  He didn't call.  For the life of me I cannot explain why.  He said there was nothing to report.  I said he couldn't have known that until AFTER the appointment.  For any of you who really KNOW John, you know that he does what HE wishes regardless of ANYONE else’s feelings or wishes.

According to John's report, the Doctor came in, tested his strength, said, “Merry Christmas.. see you in February,” and left.  He said the Nurse (or PA) who came in first told him:

The "lesion" was actually the same spot they found on his brain last year (last year they referred to it as an aneurysm not a lesion).  He had an angiogram of his brain before the Chiari Malformation surgery,  and the doctor’s decided to do nothing about this aneurysm.  The doctor (according to John) could not provide a reason for why he was in the ICU a few weeks ago.  They said it was precautionary and none of the tests revealed anything out of the ordinary.   

The optimist in me is screaming, “HALLELUJAH!  There's nothing wrong with him.”  The pessimist in me is muttering, “Darn doctor’s don’t know their heads from a hole in the ground!”  The realist in me just wants to kick John in the crotch for not calling me and letting me hear this report for myself. 
Since I'm currently channeling my inner realist don't be surprised if John is "singing soprano" for the next few days.

As always thanks for holding us tight in your prayers.

[Oh and My life as a lesson has still not been recovered L]

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