Sunday, August 23, 2009

Update on John

Out of respect for John’s privacy, this e-mail may leave some of you with unanswered questions. I will provide as many details as he is comfortable with and ask that you simply hold us TIGHT in your prayers.

The end of last week was a whirlwind of emotion….I frequently found myself thinking, “Seriously God? Seriously?” As if we have not been on enough of an emotional roller coaster laterly, throw in a little stroke and brain abnormality for good measure.

Here’s what I can tell you:

On Thursday, John had a TIA (Transiet Ischemic Attack) or a mini-stroke. We went to the Urgent Care and they called 911 and sent him to the ER in an ambulance. He spent the night and most of Friday admitted to Hartford Hospital and was release late Friday evening. He is doing better this weekend; however, there is obviously something going on in his body. He still has some obvious right side weakness, a persistent (and often excruciating) headache, and a few other troubling symptoms/side effects. Today at Wal-mart he fell to the ground because his leg simply gave out. The doctor has him on an aspirin regimen and high blood pressure medication. He explained to John that he is not sure if the stroke-like symptoms caused him to have ridiculously high blood pressure on Thursday or if the ridiculously high blood pressure caused the stroke-like symptoms. Regardless for the time being, lowering his blood pressure is a very good line of defense.

The MRI of John’s brain revealed an abnormality (we FULL WELL realize what an open door for wisecracks this statement is ). The doctor told us quite frankly, he has no idea what (if anything) this abnormality indicates. It is beyond his medical expertise. This is why John is going to see a neurosurgeon on Thursday.

Prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer… please COVER us in your prayers…
1. Please pray that the side effects of the medications along with the after-effects of the TIA (mini stroke) will subside and John’s strength and balance will return and his pain will subside.
2. I am doing the delicate dance of trying very hard to make a VERY independent man take it easy and rest in the face of how useless and restless these symptoms/side effects make him feel. After one day John is pretty much to the end of his patience with being ill; therefore, he is not interested in being restricted or giving in to my requests that he rest. Please pray that he will bend his will to reason and take it easy.
3. Please pray that he will continue to be upfront with me regarding the difficulties he is experiencing and that I will have the discernment to know which symptoms require a call/visit to the hospital.

I will admit to all of you that I am VERY scared about the recent turn of events in our lives. I pray every minute that the neurosurgeon will tell us this abnormality is nothing to worry about, that we simply need to get John’s blood pressure and cholesterol under control and all will be fine. I am RESTING in the FIRM knowledge that God always has us in His grip; however, I also recognize the reality that being His child does not mean an exemption from illness and even death. Please, please, please pray for us.

I pray frequently the words my Savior uttered before going to the cross, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42

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