Over the weekend, we took on a project I had been planning for a long time, "Project 2 kids to a room." For the past 5 years and 3 months (since Auntie Marge came to live with us), we have had 4 children in ONE bedroom. Initially it wasn't SO bad. Sure bedtime was a NIGHTMARE (trying to get 4 wiggly bodies to go to sleep in the same room is NOT for the faint of heart) and their bedroom was a CONSTANT pigsty (4 people sharing ONE bedroom, even if it is the biggest bedroom in the house, is almost a GUARANTEED mess), but the kids were little, and it wasn't that bad. However, little they are no more. They are big, (smelly) sweaty teenagers, and they are just too big for one room.
So on Saturday, we split the kids up... moved Hannah and Elijah to our bedroom... moved our bed down into the basement... purchased a couple of dressers off Craigslist (still looking for a twin mattress but don't think Craigslist is the venue for that) and spread them and their stuff OUT... The kids were ECSTATIC. For the first time in at least 3 years, Jeremiah SLEPT soundly. Noah and Jeremiah bragged about how "now our room will always be clean" (yeah I won't be betting on THAT any time soon). Elijah and Hannah marched around with the CONFIDENCE that comes from being old enough to have their "own room." It was awesome!
However, downstairs was NOT as positive an experience. In spite of a new-to-us, Craigslist dehumidifier, the basement was DAMP and dank. John sneezed (and didn't sleep) all night. Because of my basement and bug phobias (and because I was not on the same level as my babies), I slept 3 hours in the basement and 3 hours on the couch in the living room. We woke Sunday morning tired, CRABBY and very discouraged. At one point, I was actually crying I was so darn tired.
We talked over our limited options. We could NOT put the kids back together in one room. Not only because they LOVED having their own rooms, but also because they actually SLEPT the whole night... IN THEIR OWN BEDS!
John suggested we move our bed into the living room, and I LAUGHED. Who has a BED in their LIVING ROOM???? What will people THINK? However as my sleep deprived muscles began to SCREAM at me, I realized there was no other option. So we did it. We moved or bed into our living room. We have a BED in our LIVING ROOM. I was a little mortified but too tired to muster up any real shame. Until Amanda stopped by... and then Tracy knocked on the door to get Hayley...
But I SLEPT last night. Better than I have in a LONG time... on the same level as my babies... No dampness... nothing dank.... It is so AIRY out in the living room with a FANTASTIC cross breeze.
When I woke up and started pulling my blanket back into place (so if someone stops by at least my bed is MADE), I felt God whisper to me, "A house is for LIVING IN not for LOOKING PRETTY." This WORKED for us, and all 7 people in this house SLEPT last night. That is more important than a Pinterest appearance. (However, please don't test my resolve by showing up for a visit. I'm not that confident yet.) Although I do feel I can HONESTLY say, I have learned to be content in this situation. (Although I won't lie I'm still scouring Craigslist for 4 bedroom houses and trolling Pinterest for Murphy bed plans to make this living room/bedroom more presentable).
I guess the whole reason I wanted to share this blog is because this morning I'm thinking about what matters and trying hard to let what MATTERS be good enough for me. I hope this blog reminds you to do the same. God bless!
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Our living room bedroom |
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Philippians 4:12