Saturday, October 1, 2011

What ifs...

I got a random anonymous comment the other day. It was tinged with a bit of bitterness and COMPLETELY not attached to the correct post. Just so you know I don't post every comment. I won't post stuff that is angry, mean or bitter, but more importantly I strive to protect my blog readers from looking silly. If someone posts something off the wall or that doesn't at all apply to the post at hand, I just don't approve it. But I wonder about it. I get a little agitated about it.

See I am a PEOPLE PLEASER extraordinaire. I want EVERYONE in this whole wide world to like me AND to approve of me. So I wonder a little.... is this comment from someone I know personally and are they bitter with ME? is this comment because I am not a good enough writer so I failed to properly convey my thoughts? is this comment just a fluke?  But see even if it is just a fluke, I can learn a lesson....

This specific random comment that did not apply to the post it was attached to got me thinking.... what if? what if the purpose of this blog isn't what I think it is? What I purpose in my own heart for this blog is a bit ecclectic... this blog is my therapy... this blog keeps me accountable... this blog is my ministry... and this blog has an ulterior motive as well:  building a platform to eventually get published.  But what if NONE of those is God's purpose for this blog?

What if this blog is to shape me? To give me thicker skin and help me stop worrying so much about what others think of me?

What if this blog isn't to get me published so hundreds of thousands can read my work but is so just ONE person can stumble on this blog and be changed?

Hang on with me a second because this applies to YOU too.  I think often in life OUR WAYS ARE NOT HIS WAYS... and while we may have an understanding of PART of His purpose we sometimes miss the whole picture.

***What if your marriage isn't just to make you happy and fulfill you but to mold you and make you more like Christ?
***What if homeschooling your children isn't just about giving them an education but is also about teaching you patience, endurance or organizational skills?
***What if that mission trip your going on isn't all about spreading God's word but is also about changing your heart?
***What if that move you made isn't just financially wise but is also emotionally and relationally (spell check doesn't like that word but TOUGH!) wise?
***What if your new job isn't about more money or more power but is about influencing different people for Christ?

Sometimes we get so focused on OUR ways that we miss a little of HIS ways. That doesn't mean we don't do some good. I am trying HARD to minister to you my readers in this blog and that is good, but I sometimes get discouraged when I feel like no one is reading or when I don't have any comments or when I get off-the-wall comments... However, what if MANY aren't supposed to be reading. What if I'm missing HIS goal? What if this whole entire 2 1/2 years worth of blogging is all about changing ONE PERSON... maybe me? maybe you? maybe someone who has yet to even stumble on this blog? who knows, but by opening myself up and asking what HIS purpose is for this blog I think I will be more effective in writing it.

Here's what I want you all to do... open your eyes and your hearts... ask God what HIS purpose is for your current situation. He is faithful, and I believe He will show you the answers if you just ask.

SIDE NOTE: Your opinion matters! I have changed up the color scheme a little, increased the font size, and made the post font less fancy ALL based upon reader feedback. If there's something else you think could make this blog more user friendly, drop me a line. Sorry I didn't move the music player.  It is down there specifically because I want its appearance to be "in the background." Possibly consider muting your speakers if you are reading this at work??? Not that you would EVER do that. :)

1 comment:

  1. Well Jami, for what it's worth...I really enjoy reading your blog. I mostly don't post comments just because...well...I just don't post many comments on anything! But...I am glad that you changed the font. I WANTED to post that when you asked about feedback but...well, like I said...not many comments! Keep the blogs coming...Music, too! (And I DO read this at work!) =)


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