Monday, October 19, 2020

The right paths...

"Sometimes life's just hard  for no reason at all."
Carol Boone... Remember the Titans

I struggle A LOT with wanting to believe if I just make the "right" choices,  do everything "right," be a good girl.... then life will work out... be easy... picture perfect. 

This morning I was meditating on the "verse of the day"

He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.
Psalms 23:3 

The Lord spoke to me about the "right paths".... He showed me that even on the "right paths" there are potholes... there are rocks that can roll your ankle or even block the path.... there are things that could trip you or ways you can be forced to slow down... right paths aren't perfect... nothing is perfect.... except God. 

This revelation drew me back... full circle... to the movie we watched with Noah two days ago.... Remember the Titans.... after a tragic,  life-altering car accident,  Carol Boone (Coach Boone's wife) says, "Sometimes life's just hard, for no reason at all." 

Sometimes you can do everything,  every single darn thing, "right" and still end up having to go through some hard stuff. That's life, and it's beautiful and comforting while sad and infuriating. 

Today I just wanted to remind myself,  right paths aren't always easy.

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