Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday...

On this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for a hardworking husband. (I know I included him in last week's Thankful Thursday so this is kinda cheating to be thankful for him AGAIN, but he really is a GREAT guy who deserves to be blogged about a second time.)

I am thankful that my hubby is HARDWORKING.
I am thankful that my hubby loves so FIERCLY.
I am thankful that my hubby is HOT. (You know you were thinking this too! You just know it isn't appropriate for you to say it!)
I am thankful that my hubby wears these VERY STRONG love goggles... (He thinks I'm just as beautiful as the day we met! REALLY??? do you SEE this gray? have you NOTICED the extra ____ lbs.??? He's crazy but I'm glad!)
I am thankful that my hubby is MINE. God picked the PERFECT person to complete me and I am THANKFUL!

So.... it's Thankful Thursday y'all!  What are YOU thankful for???

1 comment:

  1. I love how you brag about your husband. That is so awesome!! :)
