Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Soooooo discouraged....

I'm so discouraged right now. I NEED to post something to ONE of my sites to test if I fixed this silly problem with my new homepage... only I have no encouraging remarks to give at this moment in time.

Why does it so often seem you take three steps forward only to get knocked back two steps? ergh! So frustrating!

I supposed I should re-read my own blog and stop #1 and get on with #2 but sometimes #1 is so darn much fun! I'm tired of uncertainty in my job, insecurity in my worth, instability in my LIFE! I just wanna live in Utopia... no stress... no conflict... no jalopies... no work shortages... FLAPJACKS!

Well that's long enough for a test post I suppose....

Nelly Negativity is signing off... heading to find a little caffeine infusion that will change her into Polly Positive.

Peace out....

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