Friday, February 18, 2011

It's all about the zzzzzzzzzz's.....

BWAH!!!!!!!  I have not slept in a week and a half!  (Okay to be real, I haven't slept in 11 years 4 month and 13 days but who's counting?) I tell you everything goes to pot when you're not sleeping well. My healthy living resolution? out the door. My patience? I think it's hiding in IL with half of our state senators. My clarity of mind? Well, I guess I never really had that one.

I can't figure out exactly WHY I'm not sleeping well. Our children have been randomly taking turns coming into our bed each night, but that's nothing new. There is a bit of added stress with Auntie Marge being in the nursing home, but I've DONE stress before. I have SIGNIFICANTLY increased my writing for Demand Studios in an attempt to get John home more. But idk... it's a bit of a mystery.

Anywhoos... this blog really isn't about my sleeping problems DIRECTLY it is about what they correlate to... so let's move on.

Sleep seems like such a small thing. You don't really have to DO anything.  It doesn't require special equipment like a treadmill. You don't need a qualified instructor like for Pilates. You don't need a doctor with a degree. You just lay down and close your eyes and VOILA! Your body makes magic. It rejuvenates!  It relaxes!  It HEALS!  Sleep is VERY important to the well-being of your body, even though it doesn't seem like such a big deal.

Prayer's like that too. It seems like such a small thing.  It's just talking to God.  It's not delving deep into theology. It's not even reading the Word. It doesn't require any tools or gadgets. You don't need a professor with a doctorate in Theology. You just talk to God (or listen), and VOILA! magic!  You are rejuvenated!  You are relaxed!  Walls are broken down!  Infirmities are healed! Broken hearts are mended you are HEALED!  It is my proposition that prayer is the SINGLE most vital ingredient to a Christian's well being.

Take a little time today and PRAY. It will do your body, mind, and soul GOOD!  (Oh and don't forget about the sleep too!)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! :)
    Me too...I haven't slept in YEARS! I do think I NEED to though, it does take it's toll.
