Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sound off!!!!

Okay so I wanna know you read my blog! Please post a comment here (if you don't know how, e-mail me and I'll walk you through it). Leave your: name, location and how you found this blog. Thanks!

ADDENDUM: PLEASE!!!! Sound off!!!! I am SOOOOOOOO curious! Someone visited my blog from Moldova!!!! Who are you??? What about the Philippines???? I just wanna know who you are and where you're reading from... it is SO fascinating!


  1. Aimee, Franklin and you make me read it...HA HA! Just kidding~I see it on FB and you e-mail it to me :)

  2. I read it most of the time - I enjoy your point of view and you have a lot to say! :) Keep it up - we all benefit :)

  3. Christina

    Cudahy, WI

    I read every single blog! And it is such an inspiration!

    I've been reading since the beginning!

  4. Howdy from Beth in Tennessee! I recently found your blog and enjoy it.

  5. read it, love it and somedays wonder how your nannycam can reach this far to spy on me and my life! And I often wonder on the flip side if anyone reads mine. I even made a "read it" box that people can check and no one has even checked it. Hee hee, I guess yours is just more interesting than mine :) Love you!

  6. I read all of them the second I see they were posted (I don't get your emails anymore) so I have to look at facebook. I love them and look forward to more! (can you try and make that work again?)

    Kat!!!!! Miss you

  7. I'm your sister (the young cute one)
    Franklin, WI

  8. I enjoy your writing very much. I know you speak from your heart and sometimes to goes directly into mine. Keep up the good work. I know you will keep up the FAITH. God's Blessings to you and the tribe.

    Madison, WI

  9. ME. . . the middle sister. . . . . :)

    Milwaukee, WI

  10. John J. Kastner(substandard Husband) I read it cause I want to not cause I feel it's my duty. I LOVE you HONEY

  11. Jessika reads almost all of them!

  12. I read it when I can. Pray for you more often than I read this.

