Saturday, April 4, 2009

The upside of Facebook....

I am well aware of the inherent dangers of Facebook and other social networking sites of its kind. However, lately I have been celebrating the positive aspects of Facebook. The whole entire concept of these social networking sites is connecting people. For me, one of the best parts of Facebook is re-connecting with old friends, former students, cheerleaders I used to coach. I love hearing where their lives are right now and learning of the journey God used to get them there.

Almost a month ago, I stumbled upon the Facebook page of an old friend from high school. I used my stellar Facebook stalking skills to catch up on where life had taken him. I ended up with tears in my eyes and prayers heavy on my heart. His wife is currently pregnant with their fourth and fifth children. To make a very long medical ordeal succinct: one of the twins in her womb has died, and its death has put a terrible strain on the other twin. Reading of their journey through this loss and their fight for their other child's life reminded me of the amazing power of our great God and inspired me to aspire to the kind of pure and strong faith to which they are clinging.

In the days following my reconnection with the Veldhuyzen-Van Zanten Family, the Kastner family struggled through a deep, dark valley too. The vast outpouring of support I received from my Facebook friends buoyed me through the storm. A plan started to hatch in my brain, “This thing called Facebook, why don’t I grab hold of it and use it for God’s good?” Thus began Jami’s Prayer Room. I invited all my Facebook friends, and I asked them to post their requests at the group site or e-mail me if their request was of a more sensitive nature. The rapid enlistment rate and the flood of requests was amazing! This group is flourishing, people are being touched, and God is being glorified.

This inspires me! What other things around me can I use for God’s glory? The possibilities are endless! I can use my bleeding, over-sensitive heart for good by praying every single time I feel a twinge of empathy or concern. I can use my love for cooking and entertaining to reach out and minister to the sick and lonely. I can use my writing to draw people’s thoughts to God.

Which leads us to my question of the day: What in your life can be used for His glory? What gifts, struggles, even weaknesses can you use for the glory of God? Seize those opportunities, TODAY! It will not just bless others; it will in turn bless you too.

(I would love to hear about your plans to glorify Him. Please leave them as comments here.)


  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly, Jamie. As always, people can use anything (a medium such as Facebook for example) for good or for "evil". Do I SO appreciate that you are doing this - on such a personal level.

    I love that verse - it was my senior verse for my senior year in high school - and it has buoyed me through hard times and continues to motivate me to follow what I believe God wants for me.

    Thanks for your ministry here! :)


  2. Hey Jami,
    Your blogsite is so cute! And I like what you have to say, I will def keep looking at it and just bookmarked it.
    Love Kat

  3. Monday morning Bible Study!!!!

  4. You are a great writer and motivator, Jamie! Thanks for including me on your blog. I also want to use my influence for His Kingdom work! I just invited the ladies of my neighborhood to a Bible study. After learning of a recent suicide of a well-known woman in our community/neighborhood, I decided it was time to do something and spread some real Hope. Please pray as my invites went out this morning via email and I'll be passing some flyers too. What a privelege that such a Mighty God can use even a small worm like me? I'm thrilled and applaud you for using all that you are for His glory!
    Many blessings,
    Diane Studer
    PS Thanks also for your prayers for my brohter and his family. It means so much to us all! :)
