Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Appointments by God

Did you ever have one of those moments when you come to the stark realization that God is orchestrating your daily appointments? Most of the time, my life is so full of chaos not much time is left for introspection. In the words of one of my dearest friends, “I am busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger.” I race from task to task hardly ever “in the moment.” I typically am completing a job with my mind on the next job on the list. However, every now and then, something happens that brings all around me to a screeching halt, as I realize that life is not just a series of tasks on MY list, but it is actually a series of divine appointments scheduled by God.

Several months ago I hatched a plan to start a youth cheerleading program here in Franklin. It looked to be a great proposal and was sailing along towards becoming a reality when it hit a roadblock that knocked the wheels right off the track. However, in true Jami/OCD fashion, I had already: mapped out the entire year’s schedule, chosen the uniforms, fully planned the cost, and even started a website. Therefore, yesterday I received a call from a parent interested in Franklin Youth Cheerleading. I felt terrible as I explained to her that the idea never really actually took flight. Somehow, I do not recall how, it came up during the conversation that I homeschooled. The mother gasped and said, “Really? I am actually contemplating homeschooling my children next year, and I really need some advice. Can I ask you a few things about homeschooling?” We proceeded to have a 30-minute conversation which was 50% about cheerleading and 50% about homeschooling. After I hung up, I stopped for a moment to contemplate. That was not just a coincidence; that was not just by chance; it was a divine appointment from God. I do not know what that woman’s relationship with God is like, but I know that He wanted her to call me so I could give her some advice from the unique perspective of someone who fully understands the world of cheerleading and the world of homeschooling.

It made me wonder though: How many times do I have appointments like this and because of my hectic life I do not slow down enough to realize that it was a divine appointment? And how much do I miss out on learning because I do not take the few minutes of introspection necessary to say, “Hmmmm? What was the higher purpose here?” I believe there are probably many of those times. I bet frequently God works to schedule a divine appointment for me, and I just breeze through it not even realizing that it was something sent from God.

So today I am purposing in my heart, to slow down a little. I am taking stock of the things that happen in this day and contemplating, “Why did God want me in this exact spot today?” I believe that God speaks to those who want to hear Him, and God reveals Himself to those who want to see Him. So today, look and listen and be blessed for it!

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