Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sadly watching history be made....

 So I think I might be ready to put into words what I am feeling on this sad and historic morning. I watched Barack Obama's victory speech last night with tears in my eyes. How majestic! How amazing! How inspiring! To be watching the first black President of the United States of America be chosen....WOW! That is an incredible experience. Yet through my tears I still found time to YELL at the tv: Liar! Liar! Liar! "This campaign was made possible by the working people who gave their $5 from their hard earned savings..." Oh and I suppose Oprah's millions were nothing? I suppose the millions of dollars from your other rich friends should be overlooked? Whatever! Caught up again in the majesty of the moment I almost choked when I heard him issue what sure sounded like a threat to other nations that America would FIGHT for peace...what the heck??? Now he's a fighter? Where did that come from?

I guess here's where I stand: I respect NOTHING about Barack Obama. I think he is willing to say whatever he thinks people want to hear to get power. When he's in California the people of Pennsylvania are "clinging to their guns and religion" and when he's in Pennsylvania he's talking to the hard working men and women of this country... BLEH! He's a liar. (Which I suppose most politicians are....) He is a chameleon... He is embarrassingly liberal....

But he is going to be my president.... I am thrilled to the gills that America has finally elected a black president. I fully recognize (while others won't) that this is a racist opinion, and I don't care. I am glad to see a black man in the highest office in this country. I desperately WANT to live in a nation where ANYONE can be successful and rise to the top. So I am glad that this president is black; however, that's about the only thing I am glad about on this morning... but the people have spoken. So be it....

So I did what all true cheerleaders do: I made the best of the situation. I pulled my babies into the living room (yes they were still up...I'm sure that makes me a TERRIBLE parent...but Barack Obama's babies were up too) and I sat them in front of the TV and I told them, you are watching history be made... this is an event whose significance you will not be able to fully comprehend for a LONG time, but you need to watch and see this happen because it is a great day in America. It's a day that echos with strains of the truths we hold to be unalienable...."that ALL men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...." This is a great nation we live now let's get to work praying that it stays that way.

May God bless America!

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