Saturday, March 30, 2019

Just be there

This is a lesson God has been taking a friend and me through right now... it's a parenting struggle we are working through at the same time... how to respond to adult (ish) children when they struggle.... my tendency is to try to cheer them up or coach them... but that hasn't been very effective. God's been showing me that the answer is to let them mourn it... curse it... work it in their own timing....

He gave me a GREAT opportunity to see why I should respond like that this past 30 hours... we had a DISAPPOINTMENT... we saved and planned and counted down for this vacation for MONTHS, and it was basically snatched right out of our grip. I didn't need anyone to "cheer me up" cuz guess what you could put a dress on a pig, and it would STILL be a pig... I also didn't need anyone to "coach me through it" I know this too shall pass... I know this is what he signed up for... and this... it isnt even the worst thing I've been through... Not. Even. Close.

You know what I needed? This text... "sitting here  with ashes on my head, praying you through the next hours."

So that's my new goal.

My sweet, tough, brave firstborn I am sorry for every time I tried to show you the bright side... tell you to keep your chin up... pushed you to get past your hurt sooner than you were ready to. I promise to try HARD in the future to #justbethere

AIT Graduation

This morning I literally FLOATED... from my quiet time... to the fitness center... through breakfast and my shower... I kept thinking this trip was PERFECT, and I couldn't believe how lucky we were to have an ENTIRE weekend of off-base pass ahead of us... 24-hour time with our soldier for THREE days... I was just BESIDE myself with joy.

Full STOP.

About 30 minutes before graduation Noah was informed that instead of getting a 72-hour pass to spend time with his family this weekend, he would be getting on a plane to his next training TOMORROW, and he would only have until 8 p.m. TONIGHT to be with his family.

This. Is. The. Army.

Through broken-hearted tears, I whispered to my God, "You're STILL the best." He is still as GREAT in the midst of my tears tonight as He was when I was walking on sunshine this morning.

All our plans are cancelled.... no Holy City... no Aquarium... no swimming pool...  we only got a few hours of lying around being lazy together and lunch at b-dubs today...

"Freedom isn't free." I'm confident there will be MANY more times during Noah's Army career that we will realize the truth of those words. But this sacrifice we're making this weekend... it cost every single one of us... a LOT.

Being an Army mom... it is just one  HUGE trust fall after another... glad I have a GREAT BIG God to catch me.

#proudArmymom #sadArmymom #trustfall #Godofthemountainsandthevalleys

AIT Family Day

What an AMAZING, EXHAUSTING, INCREDIBLE day. This life our son has chosen can be a tough pill to swallow sometimes.  It is TOUGH for such a close family to be separated by several states.  But days like today.... the first glimpse of his face... that first squeeze... and just being reunited for a few hours.... they make the separation and sacrifice easier to handle.

Thank you for your service, Noah Kastner. We are immensely proud of you, son. #oursoldierinourarms #FamilyDay #NoahJames #USArmy #dutycalls #Armyproud

#TYJesus #blessed