Thursday, October 25, 2018


It's been rough around here this week. I haven't been sleeping well all week. Then I started getting a cold. Discouragement has been settling in because it has been a WEEK since we received any mail from our soldier.

Then this morning, John went out to warm up his truck and found a letter to Noah in the bushes.  He brought it in, and I opened it... it was the stamps I sent him 11 days ago! I started crying as I went up the stairs to get a new envelope and mail it again.

"Is this why we've gotten no mail??? Cuz he has no stamps???"

"I'm the worst mom ever!"

"We have the worst mail person EVER!" (this is the THIRD letter we've found... one was returned to us by the neighbor around the corner who found it in front of his house!)

Thoughts assaulted me and just shoved my face deeper in the dirt. After just a lil bit of wallowing (FINE! 15 minutes!), God grabbed me by the messy bun, wrenched my head around, and said to me, "Focus! This isnt about YOU. This isnt about what YOU want. This. Is. About. Noah."

As I focused I realized that even if Noah is out of stamps and unable to write to us, he has STILL been getting mail. I send at least two pieces of mail a day. John sends mail. My kids send mail. My sister sends mail. My mom sends mail. And so many others have reached out to say they are sending him mail. Noah is what matters. Noah being encouraged. Noah getting letters to lift his spirit. And that is happening.

As I refocused, I realized that is my biggest lesson in this season as the mother of a soldier in Basic Training, "Focus." I have to focus on God. When the enemy attacks.... When my fears are boiling over... When I'm exhausted... when I just MISS MY SOLDIER... FOCUS.

I've been just saturating myself in worship this week. It truly is the best way to focus. And two songs have been MINISTERING my socks off (Thank you Alyssa Westrich)....

"It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by You...."


"All I did was praise
All I did was worship
All I did was bow down
All I did was stay still"

I hope these minister to someone else too. Have a blessed day, and "Focus!"
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
Hebrews 12:2