Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Heights and depths

There are days in life when I am STRUCK to the core by the realization that on THIS very day someone is experiencing the absolute HAPPIEST day of their life WHILE another is experiencing their WORST day ever. And at BOTH of those moments God still sits firmly on His throne.

Today the joy of an icky chapter coming to an end AND the agony of a terrible unjust diagnosis. Neither of these took our God by surprise.

My finite brain struggles to comprehend how TODAY oodles of my friends posted joyful proud "first day of school" pics while others posted pictures of the devastation wrought by flooding. One celebrating the birth of a new baby. While another blindsided by childhood cancer.

Its only taken me 48 long years, but I think I'm finally starting to get this. The secret isn't in the sun shining or the clouds looming. The wonder of it all is whether we come running and screaming with tears coursing down our face or jumping and bounding, joy oozing from every pore,

He. Is. There.

Always... Forever.... Good... Bad... Gut-wrencing... Soul bursting... when it's cancer.... when it's freedom... when it's flooding... when its the first day.... when we're living... when we're dying...

He is there.

Hang on my friends. If you're in the valley, I'm praying for you!  The valley sucks.  But God is with you. If you're on the mountaintop, I'm rejoicing with you! The highs are so beautiful. And God is with you.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
Isaiah 43:2