Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Win- DOW!" the story of Hannah's glasses

 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

I believe in spiritual warfare. I believe that Satan enjoys making our lives miserable. I believe that he likes to toy with us when we are really making a difference for the kingdom of God, but I also believe that he loves to "kick us when we're down." But here's my biggest one: I believe it doesn't matter because in the end we (who love Jesus) win! We're the victors. Satan may win little victories along the way but in the end, Jesus will be victorious!

So now that I'm down off my soap box, here's what I'm blogging about:

We went to Amber's soccer game in Ft. Atkinson on Monday. As we were cruising home on I94 at a speed I refuse to confess as I know there are law enforcement professionals reading this, I looked back and said to Hannah, "Hannah, where are your glasses?" She took her adorable little finger and pointed to the window and said in her sweet little voice, "Window!" What!?!?! I ripped off my seat belt and climbed into the backseat and began foraging for her glasses. I looked in all the typical places (right behind her seat by Miah's feet, in the map pocket of her door, in the crack between the seats)....I looked in the non-typical places I started praying. Finally, I said to John, "We have to go back to where we stopped to let Elijah pee."

He turned around and traveled back down I94 about 10 minutes to the spot. We got out of the car and split up searching the side of the road for any sign of her glasses....nothing! So we got back in the van and started heading for home. I was a little surprised that I really wasn't that despondent. I was having thoughts like this: it's really a miracle that we haven't truly lost a pair of glasses prior to this point, at least we have some good insurance coverage so this won't cost us that much, it's not like Hannah fell out the window her glasses did.

I had picked John up from work to race out to Amber's game on time so we had to return to his car before going home. I told him I'd follow him home because I wasn't sure where I was. So I followed him away from the parking spot. Well...I had NO idea where we were. It was VERY confusing with tons of construction. We got on an on ramp and I thought, "GREAT! now we can finally get home!" I had a headache. I had to pee. And I was getting very antsy to look through the van to make sure Hannah's glasses weren't in there. All of a sudden, I realized we were on I43 going north... we needed to be on I43 going south. I called John on my cell and just said, "Honey just praise the Lord." Satan was just toying with us byn then. He was just trying to pour salt in our already stinging wound. Getting angry wasn't going to do anything but give him one more tiny victory. Instead we chose to praise Jesus as we drove to the first exit so we could turn around. Instead I chose to thank Jesus for the delays trusting those delays must have helped us miss something worse than what we'd been through. I praised Jesus for the opportunity to show my children praising in the face of irritation instead of cursing.

I tell you again: I believe in spiritual warfare. I believe that Satan likes to see us irritated, frustrated, losing our temper, or doubting and worrying. But I also believe that Jesus is always TRIUMPHANT!

BTW...Hannah's new glasses are already on order and thanks to a little angel they are completely paid for already.